| 1. | We suspected that certain tumor cells produce substances that prevent macrophages from finding and destroying them . 我们猜想,某些肿瘤细胞会产生使巨噬细胞不能发现和摧毁它们的一些物质。 |
| 2. | The pancreas can produce substances which help in the digestion of food 胰脏能产生助消化的物质。 |
| 3. | These bacteria produce substances that cause redness and irritation ( inflammation ) 即可以导致痤疮的发作。 |
| 4. | Instructions : the product can deoxidize the coppers . it contains certain friction producing substance and can remove the rust completely without damage the copper 产品说明:该产品能将铜的氧化物还原,并带有一定的摩擦剂可以彻底去除铜锈,并且不伤铜材本身。 |
| 5. | The approaches to improve the comfortableness after liquor drinking covered : improving liquor taste , increasing aroma - producing and flavor - producing substances content in liquor and prolonging liquor storage time 提高白酒饮用后的舒适度的方法有:提高白酒的口感质量;提高白酒的呈香呈味物质;适当延长白酒的贮存时间。 |
| 6. | Daqu , a microbial product containing multiple enzymes and bacterial species , its aroma - producing substances mainly come from proteins and fat of daqu - making materials and the degradation of amylum and those substances are composed of amino acids , fatty acid , polyose and its polymers etc 摘要大?是一种富含多酶多菌的微生态制品,大?复合曲香物质来源于制曲原料中的蛋白质、脂肪以及淀粉等的降解,其复合曲香由氨基酸、脂肪酸、多糖及其聚合物等多种物质共同构成。 |
| 7. | Deferrizers and demaganizers are series of products designed by our company for underground water with comparatively high iron and managanese content according to aerating oxidation priciple . in these prducts , packed natural manganese sand in filter is applied as filtering materials , and oxygen in air is applied as oxidants , to make ferrous iron in water oxidized into ferric iron , in a same time , oxidation reaction makes its produced its produced substances left in filtering materials for purposes of deferrization and deman - ganization 除铁锰装置是我公司针对铁、锰较高的地下水,按曝气氧化法的原理而设计的系列产品,它是利用过滤器内装填城然锰砂为滤料,利用空气中的氧化剂,使水中的二价铁,同时发生氧化反应使其物进截留在滤料中,从而达到除,除锰的目的。 |